Sunday, February 27, 2011

update on Pandanda Player cards

hey guys just you let you guys know that our player cards have been updated take a look

cool huh but only the owner of the panda can only see it nobody else 
and by the way tomorrow is the last day of Friendship Festive ends so hurry 
and get some bracelet and get some prizes before its too late

Friday, February 25, 2011

hey guys Henry just posted this on his blog today

Hey hey panda pals! The pictures you sent in for Purple Day have finally been posted to Facebook. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can see the album by following this link Facebook Photo Album. Check them out!

Here a just a few of the phantastic photos that we received:
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Pandanda online game for kids
Just a reminder - the last day of the Friendship Festival is Monday, February 28th, so you still have time to collect friendship bracelets and redeem them for Lucy’s prizes!

Party on, Pandas!

Hey guys Henry just posted this on is blog

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPurple! I think Purple Day was my favorite Color Day so far! I had so much fun parading around Pandanda, posing for pictures with my pals, playing games, and just hanging out! Thank you to everyone for making it such a perfectly awesome party!

The Pandanda Team is working on uploading the pictures you sent us from the party. I’ll post some here on my blog tomorrow, and put as many as I can in an album on the Pandanda Facebook page. Don’t worry if you are not on Facebook. You’ll still be able to see the pictures when I post the link to the album!

For now, check out these pictures I took during my visits yesterday!
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Pandanda online game for kids
Pandanda online game for kids
Party on Pandas!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New pandanda log in and server

Hey guys Henry just made a New log in screen and a new pick a server take a look

                                     thats is awesome =D now take a look at the Server
wow what do you think is pandanda changing now or are they upgrading posts a comment to tell me what do you think about this and do you like the new pandanda? see ya guys later

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Henry just posted a review about the friendship festival

hey pandas Henry just posted this on his blog and theirs going to be another color day on Monday
                                                                                                                                                                 The Pandanda Friendship Festival has gotten off to a great start! But don’t take my word for it - listen to what some of the Pandanda Bloggers have to say:
  • Penguitt’s Pandanda Shack blog encourages everyone to “Grab your favorite panda BFF and have the best of times with them!”
  • On The Pandanda Gang blog, Blowsight10 says “I think Pandanda Friendship Festival 2011 is really awesome!”
  • On his blog, Panda Wild, Sandano reminds us all that “The friendship festival is all about being kind to each other and forgetting about rivalry,” and that “it’s a great excuse to hang around with friends!”
Check out those blogs, and the others on the Official Pandanda Blogroll, to see Friendship Festival pictures, and to get hints on hunting for friendship bracelets. And get ready for another Color Day on Monday - the color of the day will be RED!

Have a great weekend Panda Friends!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Friendship Festival is here

Friendship Festival is finally here                                                                                                                 
awesome looks like Henry did a really good job on the friendship Festival =D 
to get the prize go the Lucy at the fishing hole 
here what the prize look like 
wow thats a lot of prize in this Festival Henry sure did a good job 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Henry just posted pictures from color day

Wow! Even though the snow had returned, you really helped keep Pandanda land warm in your Sunny Colors on Tuesday!

I had a great time with you all during my visits. We had fun taking our own sunshine all over Pandanda. We brightened up Misty Hill, and even melted the ice cream in the Big Scoop!

Here are some pictures I took during my Sunny Color Day visits. There are even more on the Pandanda Facebook page Maybe you can find yourselves in them!

And don’t forget, the Friendship Festival starts tomorrow!

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Pandanda online game for kids
Pandanda online game for kids
pandanda henry's blog

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meet the Mods - Skippers

It’s Wednesday, so it is time once again to learn more about one of the awesome Pandanda Moderators! Today we feature Moderator Skippers, another Mod who has been in Pandanda for quite a while. Make sure to say “Hi” when you see him in Pandanda!

Do you have any Dragons?
• I have two dragons. Lucky is blue and was the first dragon I adopted. Easter is green and can anyone guess when I got him?

What is your treehouse like?
• I still have a few winter decorations up and I’m looking forward to changing it up!

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What is your favorite Outfit?
• It’s hard to say because I really like mixing it up. The monster head was definitely fun to wear!

What is your favorite Color?
• I like all kinds of colors but blue is my favorite.

Which minigame is your favorite?
• Dragon’s Treasure!

Would you rather chase Bunnies or hunt Ghosts?
• The ghosts are fun and are really good at freezing you but if I had to choose, I’d rather chase the bunnies.

What was your favorite Festival?
• The Winter Festival was really great because of all the cool winter items that helped us stay warm.

What is your favorite Quest?
• I like collecting purple carrots at Darby Field because you can chase bunnies at the same time.

What is your favorite room in Pandanda?
• Pawthorne Forest because you can find surprise treasure and gems!

What is the best thing about being a Moderator?
• Being able to hang out with awesome pandas!

What is the hardest thing about being a Moderator?
• Meeting and chatting with as many pandas as possible can be a challenge but it’s really great to be able to meet with pandas from all over the world!

What do you like to do when you are not Moderating?
• I enjoy being outdoors and exploring new places!

What makes you smile in Pandanda?
• Taking pictures and seeing everyone else smile can be infectious! :o)

Is there anything else you would like to say to Pandanda land?
• Everyone can still have fun while following the rules. Thank you to all the outstanding pandas that help keep Pandanda safe and fun! Looking forward to hanging out with you all in Pandanda!

- Skippers

Monday, February 7, 2011

New color day =D

color day is starting tomorrow =D
Color Day Tuesday! February 7th, 2011
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I hope you have enjoyed the warm sun, sandy beaches, and tropical music all over Pandanda land during Tropical Break. It was nice to thaw out a bit from all of the snow! But today is the last day for Tropical Break, the Pandanda weather forecast is for more snow returning tomorrow. Time to put the summer gear away for a while, and bundle up against the cold!

I’ve got an idea to help keep us warm for a little while longer - let’s have a Sunny Colors Color Day on Tuesday! Make Pandanda shine as bright as the sun when you wear your yellow, orange, and gold colors. I want it so sunny in Pandanda that I have to wear sunglasses when I visit, even after the sun goes down! Watch for me to make surprise visits all during the day to snap pictures of Sunny Pandas.

And don’t forget, the Friendship Festival begins this Friday. I can’t wait to start collecting Friendship Bracelets to exchange for cool prizes! It will be a great time to make new panda friends, too!

Sheriff Steele wants me to remind you all to keep your passwords private. He says, “Be smart and safe pandas!” Thanks for the reminder, Sheriff!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

football with Heny!

what you know Henry came to visitand this is what he posted
Football Fun! February 4th, 2011
It was Team Spirit time in Pandanda land yesterday during Touchdown Thursday! The Moderators gave me lots of updates about seeing pandas dressed in Steelers black and gold, and Packers green and gold. I paid a visit during the evening, and since I’m not sure which team I am rooting for yet, I wore green and black for both teams!

We ran for touchdowns and practiced our end zone dances in my treehouse. Then we had a big pep rally in Pawthorne Forest and cheered for our favorite team. Looking at the pictures I took, I think the Steelers fans were the loudest! All I can say is, May the best team win!

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Pandanda online game for kids
And remember, this is Zing’s last weekend in Pandanda before going on break. Sunday night he will pack up his suitcase, and head off on another trip to look for unique and exciting gifts for his next visit. Zing’s last gift is available now - just give him 10 Golden Tickets, and it’s yours! He was really in a retro-music mood this trip. I wonder what kind of cool things he will bring next time?