Friday, April 29, 2011

New Pandanda Resident and catalog experience coming soon!!!

Hey Pandas! I've just heard there will be a new resident coming to Pandanda next week. Maggie the Stable Master is going to be working in Farmer Ned's Barn and will need help taking care of her horses with new daily quests for you! That's right, once Maggie arrives there will be a total of 9 Pandanda Quests available every day!

She will also have Horse Companions for sale that non-members can purchase with Panda Gold!

In other news, new furniture is coming next week! The House & Tree Catalog will be replaced with a fancy new furniture shopping experience! And there will be more items non-members can purchase with Panda Gold!

Next week is going to be really exciting so keep an eye on my blog to see all the new changes!
awesome a new pandanda Resident and a new furniture shopping experience wow tell me what you think
leave a comment below thanks pandas i see ya laters =D

New Pandanda Companions are Here!

Pandanda virtual world online games for kids

hey pandas Henry told us that there will be New Companions well their
here its ponies and horses

the new companions are for members and it starts at level 10 to level 20
its mostly the color you get and soon non-member will be able to buy the Companions next week but only with panda gold

go to Questy Greybeard in the treehouse lobby so you can see the new updates that been added in Questy Reward catalog

they start at 5,000 for only level 10 and 7,500 for level 15 and 10,000 for level 20

and also the catalog has added the Dragon Beacon Staffs are now sold to pandas awesome huh 
not only that but its what most pandas are buying since Dragons came out

and not only that the staffs have come with different colors but now Dragons come in different color
take a look

so tell me guys what do you think of the new Companions i think they are awesome
and i cant wait to get the red or green Dragon =D so leave a comment thanks pandas 
and i see ya laters

Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Author: RanRan

Hey Pandas this is RanRan alot of you know me from my blog well im going to start to help Safej16 out so i will be the editing guy you won't here many posts from me so comment questions i will be the one who answers them for you Adios Pandanda play it safe!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

hey guys Henry telk to us about earth day take a look

Hello Pandas!

Earth Day is the perfect day to do things to help keep our planet beautiful and healthy! But don’t just help the Earth on Earth Day - show your appreciation and pride every day of the year!

Here are some easy things you can do to participate on Earth Day:
Pandanda virtual world online games for kids
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle!
  • Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth.
  • Turn off unneeded lights.
  • Plant some flowers or a tree.
  • Take a hike, have a picnic, or just enjoy the outdoors!
And remember, you can earn double coins in Pandanda today by selling your recyclable items to Steve McClean on East Market Street! Recyclable items like cans and bottles can be found in all the town areas of Pandanda.

I’ll be paying some surprise visits during Earth Day to help everyone pick up trash and keep Pandanda clean! Hope to see you there!

And keep an eye on the Quest Rewards catalog next week as there will be more rewards added including new companions!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Review: Easter Egg Hunt

hey guys well Easter Egg Hunt begin is here
take a look

cool huh you can find the Easter Bunny at Wast Market Street
take a look
awesome huh well now time for the prizes

in case you can't see the image here are the prizes
Easter Egg staff 100 Easter eggs and must be level 10
Egg Hunter shirt green 50 Easter Eggs
Egg Hunter shirt pick 50 Easter Eggs
Easter Egg basket white 25 Easter Eggs
Easter Egg basket green 25 Easter Eggs
pick bunny shoes 50 Easter Eggs
Bunny Potion 2 Easter Eggs
Bunny mask 60 Easter Eggs must be a member
wow many cool items what do you think of this? make sure to comment ;)

Pandanda Easter Egg Hunt 2011 Has Begun!

hey guys Henry post about the Easter Egg Hunt take a look

Pandanda virtual world online games for kids The Easter Bunny has returned to Pandanda! He has hidden brightly-colored eggs all over Pandanda Land for you to find. When you have at least 2 eggs, visit him on West Market Street near the Purple Door to exchange your eggs for his cool prizes! Everyone’s favorite, the Super Bunny Potion, is back again!

You have until Monday, May 2nd to collect Easter Eggs. That’s plenty of time to get as many of the Easter Bunny’s prizes as you want! Happy hunting!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

free panda gold

hey guys i went to Henry twitter @PandandaHenry
and he said all Elite members of pandanda will get 5 free panda gold
take a look

cool huh what do you think of this leave a comment

Review Of Shopping Experience

wow i have to say Henry did a really good job on this one
 so i think this is a really good shopping experience because
its more 3D like and the awesome thing is that you can try it before buying it
take a look
awesome huh but theirs also been some upgrades now like if you go
to your backpack your see that  awards turned in to companions
here's  a picture

anyways theirs also been some updates on the closet 
not only more room but the new item icons here are the new icons

wow a lot of upgrade things well that's it for now
i see ya guys later and make sure to leave a comment

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Clothes Shopping Experience!

hey guys Henry posted this one his blog and showing the new kind of Shopping Experience take a look

Fitch from the Clothing Co. on East Market Street has modernized the way Pandas purchase clothing in his store. Finally the new clothes shopping experience is here! Check out these awesome new features:
  • You can now preview clothes on your Panda before purchasing which makes it easier to mix and match to find your style.
  • You can view clothing items by category (top buttons), so you can easily find the newest hats, view the best necklaces, or quickly find some cool shoes to match your outfit.
  • You can fill up your shopping bag and purchase multiple items at the same time!
  • You can see which items you have already purchased!
You'll find the new shopping changes at the Clothing Co. Just click Fitch and then the coat hanger icon to get started.

Also, look for the winning Player Card Drawing Contest winning entry by firefly125!

And don't forget tomorrow is Blue Color Day!


Pandanda virtual world online games for kids

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Next Week Sneak Peek!

hey guys Henry posted this and he also says some new sneak peeks that are coming coon take a look

Happy Friday everyone!

Next week is going to be super exciting! There's a Blue Color Day on Tuesday, the annual Pandanda Easter Egg Hunt begins next Friday, and a new clothes shopping experience is coming to Pandanda along with Spring fashions. Be sure to check out my blog early next week for more info! It's going to be awesome!

Don't forget, this is Zing's last weekend before he leaves for vacation again. So be sure to collect enough Golden Tickets to get his latest prize.
And for all the Level 50 Pandas, I'll see you Level 50 party tomorrow at 11am Pandanda Time on Palm!

Party on, Pandas!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Level 50 Party!

hey guys Henry posted who got to the 50 leveled and wow congrats to those pandas who are level 50 right now =D

It is so exciting to see all of the dragons that have been summoned by Super Questers in Pandanda! I’ve already recognized the very first set of Dragon Riders, but I want to give a shout out to the other hard-working pandas who have summoned their dragons since then:

blacksnake34 boomer1 BrightShadow Cibi
cpdarkrai darkangel9 depsu drift
eggplant80 eji19997 eliz63 funnyplant
ggutev ivailowe jess111222 keyman12
Leblanct LemonSqueezy lionelmessi7 lolacool
martenee moisailor mrbluesky Nascargirl
Panda24 PANDSWEROU pifinka Pippster
RuneToonFan Sarpril scott0023 Sherman98cp
Viperdude WestHamStar xJordonx yojo1
Zemira Zeto

I’m sure there will even be more pandas with their own rideable dragons by the time I finish writing this blog post! I will do my best to keep recognizing new Dragon Riders each week or so.

To celebrate, I’ve planned an exclusive Level 50 Party for this Saturday, April 9th at 11am Pandanda Time. Here's a list of times for other countries. Everyone who has reached Level 50 or above by then is welcome to join me on Palm Server. It’s ok if you haven’t summoned your dragon yet, as long as you are at Level 50! But what are you waiting for? Summoning a dragon is FUN …ok, and maybe a teeny bit scary at first!

Everyone be sure to check your Pandanda calendar - we’ve added a Blue Color Day on Tuesday, April 12th. I’ll be making lots of visits that day to check out your colors! It’s not too early to start planning what you want to wear!

Keep on Questing!

Summon the Dragons!

hey guys congrats to the people who are 50 in questing

After six months of Questing, the first pandas of Pandanda Land have reached Level 50! Achieving that milestone took an incredible amount of dedication. The pandas who reached Level 50 on Wednesday had completed quests every day since Quests began on September 30th, 2010.

And of course, reaching Level 50 was just the first bit of excitement for those pandas. The best was that they could now access the Dragon Quest! They bravely accepted the Quest from Questy, who sent them to talk to Trixie Trimble, that mysterious panda who makes potions for Paige. She gave them their Quest objectives and sent them along on their journey to summon their very own DRAGON!

Congratulations to the very first citizen of Pandanda to summon a dragon - Blowsight10!

These Super Questers were not far behind Blowsight10 in summoning their own dragons. Congratulations to these pandas for also reaching Level 50 and completing the Dragon Quests on Wednesday:

RainbowRacer Clones Lime12101 Drusilla
Penguitt BetaOmer Alvin
Pandanda virtual world online games for kids
For more photos and videos of the Dragon Quest, check out these Pandas' blogs on the Official Pandanda Blogroll!

There have already been more dragons summoned today, and more and more pandas will be summoning their dragons in the days, weeks, and months to come!

Keep on Questing!
wow congrats to those pandas =D

Meet the Mods - Moonie

hey guys heres another answering our questions

Hi Panda Pals! Congratulations to all the pandas who were able to Summon a Dragon today! I'll post more about that tomorrow but for now it's time for another round of Meet the Mods! Today’s Mod Questions and Answers are from Moderator Moonie. Moonie has been a Pandanda Moderator for a very long time!

Do you have any Dragons?
• Yes, I have four. Red, Yellow, Green and Black. Their names are Marlo, King, Echo, and Tana (named after my kids' nicknames and my dogs)

What is your treehouse like?
• Colorful with lots of pets and plants.

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What is your favorite Outfit?
• I like the Monster Head the best. It’s something I can wear with my awesome Mod shirt. Put that with the right pair of shoes and you’ve got one stylish Mod!

What is your favorite Color?
• Red

Which minigame is your favorite?
• Dragons Revenge of course. It's the best game ever! I often log in when I'm not scheduled to work, just to play!

Would you rather chase Bunnies or hunt Ghosts?
• Bunnies. The freezing ghosts always get me, so I'm frozen most of the time when I’m hunting for ghosts. I usually have a low score for ghost catching and a high score for bunny catching.

What was your favorite Festival?
• The Summer Festival, it's my favorite time of year. Opening Coconut beach a few days before the festival was perfect timing. It gave us a great place to hang out and catch some rays.

What is your favorite Quest?
• I like all of Tammy's quests, they have interesting graphics, animations and flowers.

What is your favorite room in Pandanda?
• I like Darby Field because it's fun to take a break and catch bunnies, then get back to chatting.

What is the best thing about being a Moderator?
• All the cool kids you get to meet.

What is the hardest thing about being a Moderator?
• Making sure everyone feels included in the conversation. Also, it’s a bit of a bummer when I leave and the pandas I thought were nice start acting up.

What do you like to do when you are not Moderating?
• I mostly hang out with my kids. I like being a “Soccer Mom”.

What makes you smile in Pandanda?
• When the kids are helpful to me and other pandas.

Is there anything else you would like to say to Pandanda land?
• I can’t add anyone to my friends list, but I would if I could. I’ll remember you because I have a really good memory.

Rock on Red Pandas!
Moonie the Moderator

Free Elite Member Day Saturday!

hey guys as you know Elite Member day is coming its the day that all non members will have full Elite and server will be full fast i hope you non members out their are gonna have fun =D

Pandanda virtual world online games for kids Hi Friends!

Pandanda is hosting another exciting Free Elite Member Day this Saturday, March 26th!

That means everyone who logs in on Saturday will have full access to all of Pandanda's Elite Membership features! You can use your Pandanda coins to buy anything in the Pandanda Collection clothes catalog! Or purchase any furniture in the House & Tree catalog and unlock your tree house to have friends over! You can even adopt a pet dragon!

This event is for one day only starting on Saturday at 12:01am PST and ending Saturday at 11:59pm PST so don't miss out!

*Non-Elite Members will get to keep all the Elite items purchased Saturday but will not be able to use them after Saturday without an Elite Membership, or on future Free Elite Member Days. Dragon eggs will remain in your tree house, and will hatch later in the week.

Player Card Contest Winner!

hey guys as you know the the player card contest was over here is what Henry did and congrats to firefly125

We received a LOT of really great entries for the Player Card Drawing Contest! It was great to see so many people participating and sending in their awesome artwork!

But there can only be 1 winner and although it was a really difficult decision, the winner is : firefly125
Pandanda virtual world online games for kids
Congratulations to firefly125 who has been awarded 200 Panda Gold, 5000 Panda Power, and a Pandanda 3 month Elite Membership Gift Certificate! Our artists will work to prepare a vector based version that will go in the game in April and be available for everyone to purchase.

Special thanks to everyone who entered!


Welcome to Spring Party Review!

hey guys Henry just posted the Spring Break Review

The snows have all melted and the flowers are blooming. Spring has sprung! I had a great time welcoming spring to Pandanda with all of my friends on Saturday. I even brought Raphael and Phoenix out for the fun. Little Phoenix had to flap his wings hard to keep up with Raphael, but he didn’t mind!

During my visits, I decided to turn some games of Bunny Chase and Ghosts of Misty Hill into REAL contests by awarding Panda Gold to the 1st place pandas! There were a couple of special rules for the times we played for Gold - 1) No potions, and 2) You can only win once a day. It was awesome to see everyone cooperating and having fun!

The pandas who won Panda Gold for playing Bunny Chase with me on Saturday were PANDSWEROU, Jayy124cp, KASPERSKY, Sandano, Febiana124, Sherman98cp, nic883, razvanff, Gvido and rossey22.

The pandas who won Panda Gold for playing Ghosts of Misty Hill with me were Tomfalls3, Persiikata, Pandagelu, adelin319, Chelios, ggutev, Pami9, Sk8terguy277, jb1234, RanRan, and Alison1789.

Each of those players got 50 Panda Gold added to their accounts! Don’t worry if you didn’t get to play on Saturday. There will be more chances to play and win coming up!

Check out these pictures from my visits! I’ll be adding more to the Welcome to Spring album on Facebook later today. You can see the album here, even if you don’t have a Facebook account!

St. Patrick’s Day Review

hey guys here is the St Patrick' Day Review to bad i didn't get to go

It was great to see so many of you dressed in green yesterday for St. Patrick’s Day. I had fun visiting, chatting, and Irish dancing with you, and Raphael enjoyed the chance to spread his wings and fly around in the warmer weather.

I snapped a few pictures during my visit (I had to snap VERY carefully when I was riding Raphael!) and posted them in an album on Facebook. I’ve included one of the pictures below. You can see the rest of the pictures here, even if you don’t have a Facebook account.
Pandanda virtual world online games for kids
The Player Card Drawing Contest judges are looking at all of the entries that were sent in. We really have a hard job ahead of us to pick one winner, because there are so many awesome drawings! I will announce the Grand Prize winner next Wednesday, right here on my blog.

See you tomorrow at the Welcome Spring Party!

Wlecome to Spring Break party

hey guys spring break party is coming soon take a look

Welcome to Spring Party! March 17th, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I hope you're all enjoying your clover t-shirts. If you missed yours today you will still be able to get one if you log in before Saturday!

The weather has been warming up in Pandanda, and only a little bit of snow is left. The official First Day of Spring is Sunday, so let’s celebrate with a Welcome Spring Party this Saturday!

Join me and my dragons, Raphael and Phoenix, for a day full of Spring Fun! I will be visiting at 12:01 AM and 11:00 AM Pandanda Time (Pacific Daylight Time). The Pandanda Team worked hard on updating the list of times below, but since some parts of the world are in Daylight Saving Time, while other parts are not, please check your time carefully! To see the current time in Pandanda you can check the home page at, as well as the clock on the calendar inside Pandanda.

Pandanda virtual world online games for kids
I have something new and fun planned for my visits on Saturday, but I can’t tell you what it is yet. You’ll just have to party with me to find out. And it wouldn’t hurt if you brushed up on your bunny and ghost hunting skills!

See you on Saturday!
nice i can't wait for the party to start are you =D

New Payments now

hey guys we can pay in different ways now take a look

Zing Returns on Monday! March 11th, 2011
I heard from Zing Ballyhoo the other day, and he is excited to be returning to Pandanda on Monday! He wouldn’t give me any clues to what his prizes will be this time, but said he thinks everyone will really like them. Watch for his tent to be set up at Tree House Lobby this weekend. I bet Questy will be happy to have Zing back to share the Lobby with him!

You can start collecting Golden Tickets after Zing arrives on Monday, March 14 at 12:01am Pandanda Time. Once you have 10 Golden Tickets, you can trade them to Zing for his first prize. I can’t wait!

You still have time to get your entries in for the Player Card Drawing Contest. The deadline for submitting your drawings is Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time. You can find complete rules and instructions here or click on Player Card Contest at the top of the blog. The Grand Prize winner will have their design turned into an actual player card background to be used in Pandanda! They will also receive a 3-month Elite Membership Gift Certificate, 5000 Panda Power, and 200 Panda Gold. Show us your best drawings!

Party on, Pandas!
pandanda henry's blog
New Payment Options for Memberships March 8th, 2011
Hey everyone!

There has been a lot of requests from our players for more payment options when buying Elite Memberships. Well, we've just added a TON of new options for you! Now, when you visit the Elite Membership Sign-Up page you'll see new payment methods for Ultimate Game Card and PayByCash. Here's a sample of the payment methods now available.
Pandanda online game for kids

Payment methods will vary based on your location but this will provide lots more options for our international players! Check out the Elite Membership Sign-Up page and select PayByCash to see all the new payment methods!

thats cool i tell you that we can pay in Ultimate game cards now =D and other game cards thats awesome huh

Super Questers meet Dragon

hey guys Henry posted this on his blog take a look

Super Questers meet DRAGON!! March 7th, 2011
I had a great time partying with all of the Super Questers at Level 40 and above on Saturday! I was especially excited about giving them the first look at the rideable dragon from the Level 50 Quest. I think everyone was a bit nervous at the thought of meeting a huge dragon, but once Raphael appeared, it was clear that he was nothing to be afraid of!

After the Level 40 party was over, I took Raphael around to some of the other servers, to give even more pandas the chance to see him. He was really happy to be able to spead his wings and fly all over Pandanda. In case you missed it on Saturday, I’ve attached a few pictures at the end of this update.

Don’t forget, tomorrow is Mardi Gras Color Day! Wear your purple, green, gold, and yellow colors to celebrate this fun day. Zing’s Joker background, hat, mask, and shirt are perfect for Mardi Gras! You can even use Panda Paint to make your whole panda a Mardi Gras color! Laissez les bon temps rouler - let the good times roll!
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Pandanda virtual world online games for kids
Pandanda virtual world online games for kids